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The Indigenous Vote | Blog | University of Manitoba Press

October 2, 2015

The author of Elder Brother and the Law of the People on Indigenous participation in the 2015 federal election.

Source: The Indigenous Vote | Blog | University of Manitoba Press

13 Observations in 3 Parts

April 12, 2015

Brilliant and a must-read!

Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex

May 10, 2014

Needs to be read!

Warrior Publications

Indigenous Action Media, May 4, 2014Accomplices not Allies graphic

This provocation is intended to intervene in some of the current tensions around solidarity/support work as the current trajectories are counter-liberatory from my perspective. Special thanks to DS in Phoenix for convos that lead to this ‘zine and all those who provided comments/questions/disagreements. Don’t construe this as being for “white young middle class allies”, just for paid activists, non-profits, or as a friend said, “downwardly-mobile anarchists or students.” There are many so-called “allies” in the migrant rights struggle who support “comprehensive immigration reform” which furthers militarization of Indigenous lands.

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Elsipogtog Everywhere

October 20, 2013

Elsipogtog Everywhere.

Some talking points on why the struggle around Baby Veronica is a feminist issue

September 28, 2013

Some talking points on why the struggle around Baby Veronica is a feminist issue.

Two Worlds Colliding

August 18, 2013


Directed by Tasha Hubbard (Cree).

“This documentary chronicles the story of Darrell Night, a Native man who was dumped by two police officers in a barren field on the outskirts of Saskatoon in January 2000, during -20° C temperatures. He found shelter at a nearby power station and survived the ordeal, but he was stunned to hear that the frozen body of another Aboriginal man was discovered in the same area. Days later, another victim, also Native, was found.

This film is an inquiry into what came to be known as Saskatoon’s infamous “freezing deaths” and the schism between a fearful, mistrustful Aboriginal community and a police force that must come to terms with a shocking secret.”

You know you are a **STAR** White Indigenous Solidarity Activist If…

August 17, 2013

We wrote this last year, but wanted to share this again before we released our next post.

Unsettling Settlers

Dear Reader:

Chances are you are not a white man if you are reading this or taking it seriously. However, we encourage you to take it upon yourself to compel at least one abusive white activist man you know to read this. You know who he is /they are. Take this as a challenge, but if you can’t we understand. We wrote this list because we’ve been abused for so long by some white activist men, particularly in doing Indigenous solidarity work.  This list is just a beginning. It does not capture all our critiques, but it’s a humble effort at creating that space where we could let it all out. Not that we haven’t confronted these particular white ‘radicals’, but, nothing happened. We remained as hysterical, hyper-sensitive white women and women of color.

To read more about us and our intentions for this space and contact info please go…

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The Problem with “Privilege”

August 15, 2013

From the brilliant scholar-activist, Professor Andrea Smith:

andrea smith's blog

The Problem with Privilege

by Andrea Smith

For a much longer and detailed version, see  my essay in the book Geographies of Privilege  

In my experience working with a multitude of anti-racist organizing projects over the years, I frequently found myself participating in various workshops in which participants were asked to reflect on their gender/race/sexuality/class/etc. privilege.  These workshops had a bit of a self-help orientation to them: “I am so and so, and I have x privilege.”  It was never quite clear what the point of these confessions were.  It was not as if other participants did not know the confessor in question had her/his proclaimed privilege.   It did not appear that these individual confessions actually led to any political projects to dismantle the structures of domination that enabled their privilege.  Rather, the confessions became the political project themselves.    The benefits of these confessions seemed to be ephemeral.  For…

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white messiah

November 21, 2012

white messiah

by Jen Meunier

the white messiah came to town
when nobody worshiped he got let down
smile as sharp as a thorny crown
there was solidarity all around
    until we talked of power

and whose land their nice homes are built upon
whose dead lie restless under manicured lawns
and where did all their wealth come from
     until we questioned their power

 the ivory cocks on indian lane chant
“we’re all treaty people, so sign our land claim!”
their windigo profits are hungry again
for a peace bought and kept with white power

they came again the other day
but nobody wanted to hear what they say
(not till they burned down their jails, anyway)
        there is peace in the ashes of power

The Moral Limits of the Law: Settler Colonialism and the Anti-Violence Movement by Andrea Smith

August 8, 2012
The Full article can be found here as part of the most recent  issue of Settler Colonial Studies: Karangatia: Calling Out Gender and Sexuality in Settler Societies


Anti-violence advocates in the United States often find themselves working with the contradictions of struggling for a vision of justice within the constraints of the US criminal legal system. Perhaps the greatest contradictions may be felt by many Native advocates who understand the US to be a settler colonial state. This article explores these contradictions and the limitations that this framework imposes on genuine attempts to address injustice. It also proposes a possible way out of a constraining paradox